Friday Links

Lots of good stuff on the internet this week.

-Ragen takes down People of Wal-Mart and the bullshit idea of fat “catching up with” people.
Awesome fatkini pics from Fat Girl Posing.
White, slim, and pretty: but what about me? A hearty YES to all of this.
-Nine real, non-victim-blamey self-defense tips.
This dad kicks ass.
-Apparently it’s now illegal to be fat in Japan. Boooo.
The joys and sorrows of being a fat foreign girl in China.

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Flashback: old-school Torrid

I recently came across a coupon I had printed out from when Torrid first opened:

Remember when Torrid was actually alternative?

I love the little cartoon girls representing goth, raver, glam (?), punk, and rockabilly styles. Continue reading

Inspirations: Fruits

In eleventh grade, my high school Latin class took a trip to the Museum of Fine Arts.

What I remember now isn’t the art or ancient artifacts, but a book I saw in the gift shop: Shiochi Aoki’s Fruits, a compilation of fashion photos from the streets of Tokyo.

Pink tutus! Colorful plastic jewelry! Plaid mixed with leopard print! Parasols! Brightly colored hair! Tiaras! Platform Mary Janes! My punkish teenage self was enraptured.

I loved the over-the-top mixing of styles and cultures. The deconstructing of fashion and putting it back together with a bow on top, a Hello Kitty purse, and ripped fishnets. The glorious, riotous color.


Years later, I still count Fruits (and its sequel, Fresh Fruits) among my biggest style influences.

Here are a few pictures I’ve taken of the books’ pages; I would have scanned them, but my scanner was in a bad mood. They are just the tip of the fruity iceberg, so if you want more fabulous kawaii and punk and Lolita inspirations, be sure to check out the books.

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Flashback: Alloy

It’s time for more late ’90s/early ’00s catalog nostalgia!

Alloy had only a limited selection of plus sizes at some times (and, from the last few times I’ve checked their website, the amount of plus-size clothing varies from decent to nearly nothing). My nostalgia for them, like Delia*s, is mixed with that shitty feeling of being left out–but it’s nostalgia nonetheless.

Rainbow stovepipe jeans, how I wish you were still a thing.

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A Day in Pictures: My 27th birthday party

Today is my birthday! Huzzah!

I had a party on Saturday, which consisted of 1.) hanging out at my place (originally supposed to be a beach party, but it was rainy and cold), 2.) dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, and 3.) hanging out at my place again, dressed as characters from Firefly. There was Cards Against Humanity, a Dr. Horrible singalong, and much general merriment. The hanging-outage continued into the next day with an informal brunch, dinner, and Spaceballs-watching.

In summary: my friends are wonderful, creative, and geeky. I am lucky to have such awesome people in my life.

Yup, that’s a Hello Kitty tiara. $1 at Claire’s!

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