Back to the ’90s with Domino Dollhouse’s spring collection

I’m not the biggest fan of the whole omg-new-collection-hype!-manufactured-desire cycle.

But I make an exception for Domino Dollhouse, because, well, Domino fucking Dollhouse. I’m so excited for their ’90s-inspired spring collection, Nuclear Seasons. (Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do if I wore straight sizes and had so many more options to get excited about.)

Here are a few previews and behind-the-scenes images, which I found on their Facebook, Tumblr, and Instagram.

Pink velvet babydoll dress, ohmygod. I really hope it doesn’t end up being $90 like the galaxy print dress…I want it so badly.

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Friday links, 3/29/13

It’s spring, and the cupcakes are in bloom!

The Style Crone and the Idiosyncratic Fashionistas always go to the best parties, full of people in fabulous outfits. I wish my life were that glamorous!
-There’s some amazing fa(t)shion in Offbeat Bride’s reader round-up. I’m especially in love with the rainbow tutu dress, of course.
-Japanese brand 6%DOKIDOKI’s new mook (magazine/book) sounds awesome.
-The Limited’s plus size line Eloquii is closing. I’ve never bought clothing from them, but it’s always disappointing to see a plus size option disappear.
Plus size clothing: Canada vs. the US.

Fat Acceptance
-Ragen answers the question, “what if I hate exercise?
I’m fat, and that’s fine.
-Over at Glorify, Tori writes about the constant, conflicting messages about which foods are “healthy.”
Weight talk, business travel edition.
-Reflections on the desire to be thin.
-Rachele of the Nearsighted Owl is drawing fat babes, and she’ll draw anyone who emails her!
This interview with Natalie of Definatalie is great (and damn, I love that flower crown she’s wearing in the first picture).

Do we all have to live like New Yorkers? Does density matter?  I think this is a really important piece, and I’m glad that we don’t have to turn the entire country into NYC in order to attain energy efficiency. (Where I live now is almost as dense as NYC, and I do love it, but damn if I don’t wish we had more green space.)
Can we shift to renewable energy? Yes. As to how…
Tar sands resistance escalates in Massachusetts.
The least sustainable city: Phoenix as a harbinger for our hot future.
-Awesomeness: in Cincinnati, an urban farming oasis is saved from the bulldozer blade.
-It’s time for slow money.
This piece about a potential upcoming economic crash is convincing, and scary. Our economic system needs to be rebuilt, but that’s not going to happen without some pretty bad shit happening first. And I’m not looking forward to that.

Everything Else
-I’m totally going to try this idea for hanging plates.
-A  thoughtful piece on Michelle Shocked, mental illness, Christian fundamentalism, and sexual identity.
Why that list of the “40 hottest women in tech” is absolutely disgusting. You tell ’em, Lesley!
On coming out as a Nigerian boi.
No more Steubenvilles: how to raise boys to be kind men.
Glorious takedowns of #safetytipsforladies.

Why climate justice matters to me

A fossil fuel divestment rally at a college where I’ve worked. You can see me on the right. Photo by James Ennis.

So, you may have noticed that I’ve been blogging more and more about climate change/climate justice.

I’m not going to stop writing about fatshion, fat acceptance, and pretty things–in fact, I’ve got several outfit posts in the works, and lots of interesting stuff about sustainable fashion. (I just need to sit down and put it together!) But climate justice….well, it’s where my heart is right now.

I’ve been aware of global warming for as long as I can remember–I learned about greenhouses gases in elementary school. And I’ve known for years that things are pretty bad, and only getting worse. But there are so many terrible things in the world–sometimes, you have to push some of them to the back of your mind to stay sane.

So I pushed what’s happening to our planet to the back of my mind, mostly.

But lately I’ve found I can’t do that anymore.

I’ve been tip-toeing the fine line between recognizing the urgency of the problem and getting overwhelmed: vacillating between hope and hopelessness, action and inaction. Doing my best to push through it all, and just act.

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Sunday links, 3/4/13

Finally, here are this week’s links. And a bunch of baby goats playing Hop on Pop with a dog!

-Fabulous hat porn!
18 fashion rules from Beth Ditto.
New African fashion: a refreshing look at the vast array of gorgeous fashion coming out of Africa.
-I love these photos from a runway show for a body-positive bra line.
-The “I’m fat, let’s party” shirt I’ve been eyeing forever is back in stock! I so need to get my hands on one.
-Through Offbeat Bride, I found out about the Wardrobe Shop, which has the most amazing vintage-style dresses ever–and many of them come in plus sizes.

Climate Justice and Sustainability
-A really important and interesting piece on the future of the movement: Three tactics for a stronger climate movement. I especially like this idea: “Imagine if, when blockading a pipeline construction site, radicals invited the whole community to a festival on the site? Instead of a few people locking down, what if the community barricaded the area and held a dance party or a carnival, reclaiming it as a community space for direct democracy, food growing, and celebration?”
-For my fellow Massachusettians: why the MA Democratic Senate primary is, unexpectedly, one of the hottest fronts in the planet’s biggest battle.
Fourth-graders crowdfund their own solar-powered classroom. And they’re not the only ones using crowdfunding for clean energy.
What steam ships and the landline can tell us about the decline of the private car.
Victory at hand for the climate movement? I sure hope so.

Everything Else
What’s wrong with the term “person of color”…or at least how it’s used.
-If you can, donate to help the amazing queer activist and all-around badass Kate Bornstein stay alive.
“It isn’t rocket science”: Tin House and Granta editors on how to run a publication that isn’t sexist.
All work and no pay: the great speedup. This is the kind of shit that just makes me angry and I don’t know what to do about it…
This piece is beautiful. It’s about surviving the breakup of a long-term relationship, but applies to so many other situations as well.
The revolution will not be polite: the issue of nice vs. good.
-The Hello Etsy conference that happened this weekend sounds amazing. I wish I had found out about it earlier so I could have tried to make it!

Links, life, and music

Sorry about the lack of a Friday Links post this week! I’ve got lots of great links saved up, but I haven’t had the chance to compile them into a post.

The last few days have been a veritable whirlwind of (mostly impromptu) adventures, which I’ll tell you more about soon. I’ve got all sorts of exciting stuff in the works, and I’m exhausted.

In the meantime, enjoy this medley of 18 songs from around the world:

Friday links, 3/17/13

So sparkly!

Leggings aren’t pants–they’re superior.
-All of the outfits at this Roaring ’20s party are amazing!
-I love this bride’s lilac gown, the groom’s purple velvet jacket, and the bridesmaids’ suits! So unique and fabulous.
-I really like the idea of a sweatshirt with a 10-year warrantee, although I wish it came in more sizes and nicer colors.
-Designer Karen Walker selected 12 models aged 65 to 92 for her latest 2013 eyewear collection, shot in collaboration with Ari Seth Cohen (of the blog Advanced Style).
No more apologies: my journey to flabulous fatshionista. Love it!

Fat Acceptance
Don’t tell me your hate isn’t killing us.
-My new role model: the fat dancing Speedo man.
I don’t have to explain my fat to you.
Who’s really surprised that 7-year olds are putting themselves on diets?
Problem areas, Goldilocks, and Bundt cake.
Bloomberg’s soda ban halted by judge.
Eleanor and Park sounds like a really good book, and it has a fat protagonist! I’m going to read it as soon as I can get my hands on it.

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