Sunday Links, 10/12/14

carousel in front of tree with orange autumn foliage

-Nicolette Mason’s ModCloth collection is finally here! Check out her and Gabi‘s blogs for some fabulous pictures of a real-life girl gang modeling the clothes, as well as a discount code.
-Bethany reflects on fat femme power.
-Kobi Jae of Horror Kitsch Bitch has started an Alternative Curves Blog Hop. I didn’t have the time/energy to put together a themed outfit this month, but I’m hoping to participate next month!
How Madewell bought and sold my family’s history.
-Tanesha of Girl With Curves has released a full range of clothes for fall.
Eight cute plaid dresses in fat sizes, now with 50% more ’90s references.
-Affatshionista reviews Gwynnie Bee.
Style advice for a 50-something trans woman just beginning her transition.
-I wish I could have been at Re/Dress’ meet and greet event with Tess Munster!
Change your style, change your life.
-Want to see what a Glitterati box looks like? Check out these three posts.
Manish Arora’s new fall/winter collection is amazing–this is exactly the kind of imaginative fashion I want to see in size fat.
-Ugh: one-size-only clothing store is the last thing teen girls need.
Gabi’s trip to London Fashion Week with a group of other fatshion bloggers looks so fun.
Spotted! Blogstar Chastity Garner in Vogue Italia.
Fashion and feminism: a chat with Ana Marcela Villa of AKV.

Fat Acceptance
6 must-read perspectives that destroy the War on Obesity.
-If you’re in Sacramento, San Francisco, or Chicago, check out Virgie Tovar’s upcoming events.
Stop policing my daughter’s appetite.
-I actually like Subway’s sandwiches, so I’m always disappointed to hear about them using fat-phobic advertising.
Women’s value is not based on whether men find us attractive.
“Homeland” dares to show fat sex, and it’s only “weird” or “disturbing” if you’ve always assumed fat women are sexless freaks.

This musical protest, in which demonstrators disrupted the St. Louis symphony to sing a “Requiem for Mike Brown,” gives me chills:

Climate and Sustainability
Naomi Klein tells YES!: People’s Climate March is “a glimpse of the movement we need.”
-In the most egregious instance of pinkwashing ever, Susan G. Komen has teamed up with a fracking company–yes, fracking, which is linked to many types of cancer including breast cancer–to “end breast cancer forever.” How is this even the world we live in?!
2o things you can do to address the climate crisis. Some of the items on the list aren’t particularly concrete, but it’s a good list nonetheless.
The cruel and increasingly usual punishment of prison heat islands.
These eight projects are sustaining the momentum of the People’s Climate March.

Jobs and the Economy
Paul Krugman’s errors and omissions about economic growth and climate change.
The “pre-cation” is a trap.
Why economics needs to make space for nature.
Beyond capitalism: not-for-profit business ethos motivates sustainable behavior.
Poor, disconnected, and living in the cloud.
Is the “sharing economy” making cities less cooperative?
Meet the Philadelphia restauranteurs who will ban tipping and pay $13/hr plus benefits. This is a good idea for many reasons, including the fact that women who depend on tips face a high rate of sexual harassment.
Grieving could offer a pathway out of a destructive economic system.
-A reality that a few of my friends are living: glut of postdoc researchers stirs quiet crisis in science.

This time-lapse video of Norwegian landscapes is beautiful.

Everything Else
Why voting and movement-building go hand-in-hand.
-I could spend all day reading through Beautiful Solutions, a collaborative collection of “the most promising and contagious strategies for building a just, democratic, and resilient world.” A few that I particularly like: zakat, pluralist commonwealth, and direct public offering.
The Toast is launching a new site, The Butter, which will be run by Roxane Gay!
#WhyBuffyStayed: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Riley, and the cycle of abuse.
Stories like passwords: on abuse and silence within literary communities.
Three projects that block violence against women by bringing communities together.
How non-Indigenous allies can support Indigenous struggle.

What’s even cuter than a corgi puppy? A corgi puppy playing with a pumpkin, of course!

Government assistance has benefited white men more than anybody.
-The reason fewer US women bike than the Dutch isn’t just about infrastructure.
-Hells yeah: Malala Yousafzai wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
Not all of the black freedom fighters are men: an interview with black women on the front line in Ferguson.
Jewish American peace activists interrupt High Holidays with protest.
A professor’s freedom to tweet: the Steven Salaita affair.
-I loved Iceland so much and can’t wait to go back. In the meantime, I’m occupying myself with pictures. A few of my favorites: 10 stunning portraits of Iceland’s waterscapes, breathtaking aerial landscapes of Iceland, and 96 hours in otherworldly Iceland.
20+ mystical bridges that will take you to another world.

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