Domino Dollhouse’s Doll Parts collection is everything

You guys, Domino Dollhouse has a new collection inspired by ’90s female musicians. This is literally the best thing ever.

domino dollhouse model wearing "only happy when it rains" t-shirt, red plaid skirt, and leopard vest

Red plaid, leopard, daisy print, and lyrics from Garbage and Hole? Yessssssss. I’m also excited that most of the items are cotton, and they’re a bit cheaper than many of DD’s previous collections.

Here are a few pictures of the collection, and then some music to get you in the angsty-girl-power mood:

domino dollhouse weddnesday addams dress

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Movie review: Spy is freaking awesome

melissa mccarthy in spy

Hi everyone! I’ve been pretty deep into wedding planning lately and haven’t felt much like blogging, but I wanted to pop back in and tell you all about the movie I saw last night, because it was just so good. Spy features Melissa McCarthy as a desk-bound CIA agent who goes undercover to infiltrate the world of an arms dealer and prevent a terrorist attack–and of course, all sorts of hijinks ensue.

First off, the movie is just plain hilarious. It has the perfect combination of witty zingers, juvenile humor, and physical comedy–something for everyone.

That alone would be enough to recommend it, but it’s also a film with a fat heroine whose size isn’t used as a joke, which was so refreshing to watch. McCarthy’s character, Susan Cooper, finds herself socially invisible as a not-so-young fat woman–so she uses that invisibility to her advantage and ends up subverting everyone’s expectations.

For what it’s worth, she spends much of the movie looking gorgeous. Although she is assigned to play a dowdy Midwestern tourist in a neon pink track suit and cat t-shirt, she quickly changes out of that disguise and into a more glamorous one. I especially loved the outfit she wears toward the end of the movie, which made me want to run out and immediately buy a black blazer with silver accents.

melissa mccarthy and jason stratham in spy

I also loved that Spy is, at its heart, about a kickass female spy taking down a rather likeable female villain. The main female characters are smart and competent, whereas the main male characters are ridiculous spy-movie-trope-parodies who keep getting in the way: from Jude Law as a suave and assholey James Bond type, to Jason Stratham as a rogue agent who’s constantly bragging about his improbable exploits, to Peter Serafinowicz as a sleazeball whose main talent is sexual harassment.

Spy also features appearances by two actors I love, Morena Baccarin (a.k.a. Inara from Firefly) and Allison Janney (C.J. Cregg from The West Wing), as well as an amusing cameo by 50 Cent. And it introduced me to a new favorite: British comedian Miranda Hart, who plays Cooper’s bumbling but supportive best friend. She’s hilarious, and I definitely want to check out more of her work.

melissa mccarthy in spy

Overall, I recommend Spy to anyone who wants to spend two hours laughing. It stands on its own as a funny movie with a good plot and pacing, and it’s also awesome to see a fat woman using both her wits and her physical abilities to kick ass.

Sunday links, 5/24/15

purple lilac bushes

-Are googly-eyed accessories the next trend? I hope so!
Tess Holliday is on the cover of People! It’s amazing to see someone my size on the cover of that magazine, and not as a “before” picture. Buzzfeed also has a great profile of her.
-My fellow Bostonian Anna is going a year without buying clothing.
Big and Tall Men’s Clothing is a Facebook group for buying and selling plus-size men’s clothes.
How Native American fashion looks without cultural appropriation.
Blogging, ethics, and reselling.
11 plus size designers who are also bloggers.
-I’m excited for Rebel Wilson’s collaboration with Torrid.
Where to shop for size 28+ clothing.
7 sexy swimsuits in sizes 4x and up.
Fan BingBing’s floral tulle gown with a cherry blossom crown is epically gorgeous.
-“It took me years to understand that the cycle of falling in and out of love with things—with a version of yourself, even—can be a lovely thing, and crucial in helping you figure out who you really are.”

red, yellow, orange, and purple tulips Continue reading

Thursday tutu-spirations, 5/21/15, and blog announcement

Hi everyone, sorry about the lack of Wednesday Fa(t)shion Inspirations and Sunday Links posts last week! I’ve been in full-on wedding planning mode, and even though I’ve still been saving links and outfit posts, and taking outfit pictures, I just haven’t been in the brainspace to blog.

So I’m going on a semi-hiatus, which is to say: I’ll post when I can, and I’ll try to get through my backlog of outfit pictures eventually, but I may not always keep up with my regular weekly posts. After the wedding, which will be about a year from now, I should be back to my regular posting schedule.

In the meantime, you can still find me on Facebook, Tumblr. and occasionally Twitter. I hope you are all doing well!

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Sunday Links, 5/10/15

pink cherry blossom on tree

Late April/early May is my favorite time of the year: when nature is as pink as I am.

Happy Mothers’ Day!

-Fat Girl Posing’s spring pastel shoot is gorgeous.
-My friend Femma’s Etsy shop Femme Fat Sew is live!
-A plus size student was suspended for a supposedly revealing prom dress, while her straight size classmates got away with much skimpier dresses.
TheCURVYCon is coming to New York, and will have Amber Riley as a keynote speaker!
I said yes to the (gay wedding) dress.
Ten body-positive tips for plus size brides.
-This leather corset is gorgeous, comes in sizes XXS – 12XL, and even comes in pink!
Bombsheller has extended their leggings’ size range to include 2XL, and is working their way up to 6XL.
1910, Paris: some of the world’s first street style photography.
At this fashion library, you check out clothes instead of buying them.
Has it occurred to you that fat people have taste?
ModCloth’s men show their support of their body-positive pool party.
Russian artist compares famous designers’ dresses with nature.

Fat Acceptance
That one time I had liposuction and my life still sucked.
DadBod: three things I love/hate.
Fat-shaming vs. fat discrimination.
-A roundup of Bitch Flick’s posts on fatphobia and fat positivity in movies and TV, including two posts about Steven Universe.
Why diets don’t actually work, according to a researcher who has studied them for decades. It’s too bad that she recommends trying to stay at the lower end of your weight range rather than just aiming for health and letting your weight fall wherever it falls, but otherwise it’s a good piece.
FDA: trade your double chin for nerve damage!
Today fat yoga, tomorrow fat kayaking? Some thoughts on kayaking while fat, safe spaces, and inclusiveness.
This International No Diet Day photo is awesome, so here are 7 other reasons you should never have to justify eating.
Defending fat-positive space. Continue reading

Sunday links, 5/3/15

pink tulip display

-Thank God: Six police officers to be criminally charged in Freddie Gray’s death.
Meet Marilyn Mosby, the badass prosecutor fighting for justice in Baltimore.
-This is a really comprehensive and useful post: Everything we know about Freddie Gray and the Baltimore Uprising and how you can help.
Baltimore Uprising is a central space for information that can be updated in real time.
Baltimore’s failure is rooted in decisions that were made 100 years ago.
Baltimore been burning.
-Jessica Williams as Effie Trinket in Baltimore on The Daily Show = brilliant.
The economic devastation fueling the anger in Baltimore.
-“When protests and riots broke out against oppressive regimes in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen as part of the Arab Spring, Americans cheered.”
Nonviolence as compliance.
-Cartoon: great moments in peaceful protest history.
-“Economic disruption has always impacted political decisions. That was the Boston Tea Party, right?”
-The parallels between Baltimore and Mexico: “On both sides of the border, the absence of any sane, humane, industrial or rural policy has created concentrations of dispensable peoples.”
The hideous white hypocrisy behind the Baltimore “Hero Mom” hype: how clueless media applause excuses police brutality.
Black America’s Baltimore schism: why the Freddie Gray tragedy demands serious soul-searching.
-Poem of the week: A Small Needful Fact by Ross Gay. (Note: the font is very light, so it’s easier to read if you highlight it.)
Where my girls at: meet two of Ferguson’s black queer activists.
Black Lives Matter protesters in NYC stock Forever 21 with “Never 21” t-shirts.

Fat Acceptance
The fallacy of “if you really liked yourself, other people’s opinions wouldn’t matter.”
Fat by choice: happy and healthy at the intersections of size and mental health.
I’ll take up all the damn space I want.
-A reminder of why I do fat activism: When they say “war on obesity,” I hear “casualties.” FA isn’t just about body image or self-esteem, although those are important. It’s about fighting a culture of fatphobia that literally kills and maims people.
I thought I was over my body image issues until I got diabetes.
Colorado preschool literally takes candy from a baby.

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