Thursday tutu-spirations, 5/21/15, and blog announcement

Hi everyone, sorry about the lack of Wednesday Fa(t)shion Inspirations and Sunday Links posts last week! I’ve been in full-on wedding planning mode, and even though I’ve still been saving links and outfit posts, and taking outfit pictures, I just haven’t been in the brainspace to blog.

So I’m going on a semi-hiatus, which is to say: I’ll post when I can, and I’ll try to get through my backlog of outfit pictures eventually, but I may not always keep up with my regular weekly posts. After the wedding, which will be about a year from now, I should be back to my regular posting schedule.

In the meantime, you can still find me on Facebook, Tumblr. and occasionally Twitter. I hope you are all doing well!

4 thoughts on “Thursday tutu-spirations, 5/21/15, and blog announcement

  1. Just the outfit roundup I needed this Friday morning! Tutu eye candy always has a knack for drastically improving my morning. I’ll miss your posts, but I’m excited for you as you enter the throes (wrong word? lol) of wedding planning. It’s stressful but so fun and magical. I can’t wait to see what whimsical elements you put into your big day!

    ❤ Liz

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