Sunday links, 5/24/15

purple lilac bushes

-Are googly-eyed accessories the next trend? I hope so!
Tess Holliday is on the cover of People! It’s amazing to see someone my size on the cover of that magazine, and not as a “before” picture. Buzzfeed also has a great profile of her.
-My fellow Bostonian Anna is going a year without buying clothing.
Big and Tall Men’s Clothing is a Facebook group for buying and selling plus-size men’s clothes.
How Native American fashion looks without cultural appropriation.
Blogging, ethics, and reselling.
11 plus size designers who are also bloggers.
-I’m excited for Rebel Wilson’s collaboration with Torrid.
Where to shop for size 28+ clothing.
7 sexy swimsuits in sizes 4x and up.
Fan BingBing’s floral tulle gown with a cherry blossom crown is epically gorgeous.
-“It took me years to understand that the cycle of falling in and out of love with things—with a version of yourself, even—can be a lovely thing, and crucial in helping you figure out who you really are.”

red, yellow, orange, and purple tulips
Fat Acceptance
Traveling while fat in Southeast Asia.
Paradoxically (?!), fat diabetics live longer.
“I’m not pregnant, this is just my belly”–and other awkward body conversations with strangers.
Fatness is not the last acceptable form of discrimination.
Fat Signal! is “a tiny grassroots community fund to support the leadership and gifts of Fat, Sick and/or Disabled BIPOC in racial justice work.”
On learning to love my body, because summer is for fat girls too.
Fat people and our knees.
There’s no such thing as an “anti-science” answer to a nonscientific question.
Like comparing fat people and oranges.
5 Latina activists on why they fight for body image acceptance.
-I wish I could go to Essie Golden’s body positive pool party in NYC!
-Charlotte Cooper has a new book, Fat Activism: A Radical Social Movement, coming out in 2016.
Recursive recrimination: beating yourself up (for beating yourself up).
-The Fat Nutritionist has a series of posts analyzing the Whole30 diet program here, here, here, and here.

golden retriever walking past tulips

Climate and Sustainability
Global fossil fuel subsidies are $5.3 TRILLION per year, more than all healthcare.
You have to see these pictures of Seattle’s kayaking climate protesters.
6 ways to promote economic equality and climate action at the same time.

Jobs and the Economy
Five ways to help nail salon workers.
What if everybody didn’t have to work to get paid?

Everything Else
-As someone who is getting married after having been single for approximately a million years, I agree so much with this piece: Why does being single still feel so pathetic?
Married or single, women want the same things.
7 tips for a more equal household.
In praise of women who give all the f**ks.
19 pop songs fact-checked by professors.
-Totally badass: Beyoncé and Jay-Z secretly donated tens of thousands of dollars to the bail funds of Baltimore and Ferguson protesters.
What’s the deal with Bernie Sanders? 7 things you want to know.

three lambs snuggling

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