Bring back wide-leg jeans!

Remember when JNCO jeans were a thing? And shiny Airwalks? Or am I dating myself?

Although my style has evolved over the years, I’ve never outgrown my love of super-wide-leg jeans. I had an amazing pair that I wore all the time in seventh grade, and if they still fit, I’d be wearing them right now.

I don’t have a picture of them at the moment–I’ll have to look through my old boxes of photos next time I’m at my parents’ house!–but they were from Weathervane and looked something like these:

My preeeeccciouuuussss…

I also briefly had a pair of wide-leg jeans from either Hot Topic or Torrid in 11th grade, but they never fit quite right and I ended up giving them away.

Like Picasso, I had a blue period.

These days, it’s hard enough to find non-skinny jeans, let alone baggy ones.  The closest I’ve found is a pair of high-waisted ankle-length capris that I got at Goodwill a while back:

All growed up. Still wearing my Nirvana shirt from 1996, because some things never go out of style.

They look cool, but unfortunately I don’t wear them often because the high waist drives me nuts, so I end up folding it over, which gives me weird bulges. I’m hoping against hope that wide-leg jeans will come back in style someday–and that Torrid, or other plus-size clothing companies, will start carrying them.

Also, UFO pants.

9 thoughts on “Bring back wide-leg jeans!

  1. Pingback: Flashback: wide-leg jeans « Tutus And Tiny Hats

  2. Pingback: How I learned to stop worrying and love skinny jeans « Tutus And Tiny Hats

  3. Pingback: Fashion policing: a playground of oppression « Tutus And Tiny Hats

  4. I came across your blog searching for wide leg jeans. I too wore them in high school. They were wicked. And the pockets were huge. I had a pair that could fit an entire 20 oz bottle of soda without bulging. I’m 26 now and a mom, but I still hate carrying a purse, its bad enough I have to tote a diaper bag. These pants would be so helpful.

  5. I definitely remember these jeans! I just loved wide-leg jeans in my mid-late teen years, for the 1st two years of high school I had more wide legs than I did flare legs. I do wish they came back in style, though.

  6. I just came across this searching for a pair of jeans I have that I’m selling on POSHMARK! They are suppppper wide lol I can’t seem to find them anywhere online! They look almost identical to the pic u posted (the very first one)…anyway they are size 31, and my closet name is _HayleesCloset_ if you are interested in them. Lol!

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