Sunday links, 3/9/14

black cat with green eyes and bowtie tag

My classy feline friend Napoleon enjoying the sun

-This is such a cool idea, and ties into everything I’ve been writing and thinking about sustainable fashion: Open source 3D knitter lets you digitally fabricate your clothes.
-I so wish I could teleport to Australia for the Curvy Couture Roadshow!
The fall runways were filled with ravers and club kids. YES.
-Amanda has started a Pinterest board for plus size bridal and bridesmaid dresses.
-The newest issue of Volup2 is out, with two full volumes of awesomeness!
Tips on wearing your ballerina skirt perfectly.
Normcore is bullshit: how class, disability, and privilege intersect with fashion.
Learning to dress “professionally” in a white man’s world.
The mysterious disappearance of Target’s plus size section, explained.

Fat Acceptance
7 fat-positive activists and bloggers you should follow.
-Issa answers the “what being a fat woman is really like” questions.
Wicked to release new plus size sex education video.
-Torontonians of color, check out this event: What is body positivity? Exploring fatness, self-esteem, and fat-positivity for indigenous, black, and people of color.
Yoga, fat, and fitness.
Chef serves up fresh insights on food, fat, and fun.
-I love this cartoon about body shapes.

A great mini-documentary on Ragen’s More Cabaret:
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A moment of silence

For Trayvon.

For his parents, who are grieving and have no justice.

For Rachel Jeantel, who said Trayvon was one of the few guys who didn’t make fun of her.

For Marissa Alexander, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing warning shots against her abusive husband–and for being a black woman–while George Zimmerman walks free.

For everyone who wasn’t surprised by the verdict, because they’d already been told so many times that their lives were worth nothing.

For the mamas who are afraid to let their sons walk to the corner store for candy and iced tea.

For a “justice” system that was never built to protect anyone but rich, het, cis white men.

For a country that allows this to happen, again and again.

For all the rage and heartsickness and the searing, bone-deep need for change.