Sunday links, 2/1/15

ice on piers and water

Fatshion February starts today, woohoo! I will be participating, although I might not do it every single day.
-Check out Finnish indie plus size designer Minnaleena Jaakkola.
-Affatshionista has updated her list of plus size bloggers who wear a size 24 or larger.
-Marianne has a lot of feelings about Target’s new plus size line.
Danielle Brooks’ dress at the SAG Awards is everything.
-Pink poofy dress porn: the Giambattista Valli Spring 2015 Couture Show.

Fat Acceptance
Fat and Weight Science is a new Facebook group for discussion about weight-related science without a diet focus.
-The Abundant Bodies track at the Allied Media Conference has put out a call for proposals.
Weight loss and size acceptance.
This is an essay about a fat woman being loved and getting laid.
-Tess Munster/Holliday has been signed by a major modeling agency, woot! Jes analyses why so many people hate Tess Munster (and other happy fat people), and Amanda looks at the messages Tess is sending and asks how she, and the rest of us, can do better.
No, really, treat the PROBLEM.
-Leah writes about fat-shamers.

yellow ship reflected on icy water

Jobs and the Economy
Let’s face it: we have to choose between our economy and our future.
-Ann Bauer writes about how writers rarely talk about how they make a living, and reveals that she is essentially “sponsored” by her husband. Many other writers have responded with great analyses and detail about their own financial situations, including Sarah Seltzer–who emphasizes the need to think beyond individual choices and focus on policies that would give everyone freedom to pursue their art form, Amelia McDonell-Parry, and s.e. smith.
Why I am not a maker.
What Syriza’s victory means for Greece–and for Europe.
Felons, addicts, immigrants: this bakery will hire anyone.
What employers really want? Workers they don’t have to train.
-We’ve been having a staggeringly lopsided economic recovery.
Feministing Reads: Ai-Jen Poo’s The Age of Dignity, which is about the movement for domestic workers’ rights.
New York police slowdown and the classic challenges of alternatives to capitalism.

The women of #BlackLivesMatter.
Marissa Alexander’s release isn’t enough.
“Monument quilt” sends messages of solidarity to Marissa Alexander.
-The son of New York Times columnist Charles Blow, a student at Yale, was detained at gunpoint by police.
-Some good news: Monica Jones wins appeal of “walking while trans” conviction.
Already three black trans women have been murdered in 2015.
Ben & Jerry’s founders support #BlackLivesMatter in a bold display of solidarity.

two malamute dogs playing in the snow, one wearing a red sweater

Climate and Sustainability
The main problem with Obama’s climate policy? It makes no sense.
The Senate approves Keystone–and here’s why that doesn’t matter.
Here’s an excellent analogy about climate change and developing countries.

Everything Else
Yes, we should talk about bodies.
All politics is identity politics.
-An analysis of River from Firefly from a disability perspective.
American Sniper illustrates the West’s morality blind spots.
House paint jobs that would only fly in San Francisco.
Badass woman marries herself to celebrate her 40th birthday.
-These colorful architectural watercolors are amazing.

2 thoughts on “Sunday links, 2/1/15

  1. I love you “Fa(t)shion” stuff 🙂 I also love your pics today. Would it amaze you to know I have never seen snow and definitely have never seen anything close to an icy lake. I love pics of ice and snow 🙂

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