Sunday links, 9/21/14: it’s finally fall

pumpkins and squash at farm stand

-The New Yorker has a great profile of plus size style–just ignore the obligatory crap about how “obesity is a genuine health issue.”
A first for high fatshion: the Design Collective at Evans LFW Catwalk Show.
Two up-and-coming labels sent plus size models down the catwalk at NYFW.
-Kath shares an experience of clothes-shopping as it should be.
-Affinity rounds up places that sell plus size Halloween costumes in a variety of sizes, some up to 12X.
Why do designers hide their plus size lines? (Spoiler alert: because they’re douchenozzles who let fat-phobia get in the way of profit.)
How to manage a massive closet purge.
Are you more likely to buy things from retailers who use models in lots of different sizes?
-Everything in Zelie for She’s Pink Carousel collection is amazing, and should teleport to my closet immediately.
Rock n’ Roll Bride’s new collection for Crown & Glory = awesome.
-The San Diego fat clothing swap looks like it was so much fun!
22 fashion infographics you need in your life.
While the fashion world swoons over this season’s styles, the workers making them are fainting on the job.
The fast fashion industry doesn’t want you to know about these things.

Fat Acceptance
Vogue didn’t discover big booty–booty never left.
Fat discrimination is real discrimination.
Things you only know if you’re a “fat girl” on the internet.
Why I’m not signing the OAC petition.
Fat para-academics, read this!
-If you’re in Oakland, check out this fat dance performance.

Climate and Sustainability
Environmental justice works, and these folks show us how.
-Rebecca Solnit provides thoughtful historical context for the People’s Climate March. (Sadly, I won’t be able to make it, as life has been exhausting lately and I am dead-tired. But I will be there in spirit!)
Why do we protest? “We shouldn’t stop trying to create the world that we want to live in, but at the same time, we need to live right now in the world we want to create. We certainly can’t buy our way there and we probably can’t fight our way there either. Better to make as many friends as we can, gather them close, watch the flames together, and try to figure out how to live in the light that the fire reflects.”
Watch out, Wall Street, climate marchers are coming for you next.
Naomi Klein is right: unchecked capitalism will destroy civilization. I agree with this 110% except for the predictable analogy comparing climate change to weight gain causing diabetes, sigh.
11 short stories about the People’s Climate Train.
Civil rights heroes offer climate marchers a little wisdom.
Hey, U.N.: climate change and population are related.

sunflowers and pink gerbera daisies

Shapely Prose post of the week
What would you tell your 14-year old self?

Jobs and the Economy
The “death of adulthood” is really just capitalism at work.
-“You can’t have capitalism without racism.”
Why did teaching become a pink ghetto?

Everything Else
Why we need the term monosexism.
Mainstream feminism is tepid and cowardly: work, sex, race, “having it all,” and true liberation.
4 ways to honor Native Americans without appropriating our culture.
Why Facebook’s “legal name” policy is dangerous for trans people, survivors of violence, sex workers, and other marginalized people.
My feminism starts 300 years ago.
-It’s not just the NFL–we all have a domestic violence problem.
-I could stare at these quilted paper sculptures and illustrations all day.
Fictional dystopias teach kids to stand up to inequality–don’t dismiss them as capitalist propaganda.
Self-care for poor folks: dealing with poverty shame.
There is no rationalization for corporal punishment.
-Relevant to so much I’ve been thinking about lately, and have written about in the past: Why it’s worth waiting and saving for that “slow travel” journey.

This makes me so happy.

I love everything about this music video: the juxtaposition of Jpop with speed metal, the silly dancing, the adorableness, the matching tutus.

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