Sunday links, 5/18/14

pink peony covered in raindrops

Peonies are the best.

-Lesley reviews a variety of chub rub prevention solutions.
-It’s so rare to find truly amazing men’s fashion, so I was excited to come across this gothic groom’s red and black suit with buckles.
-Sal passes along her client Kristie’s review of Gwynnie Bee.
-Kat models some lovely, colorful floral crowns from Claire’s.
-Gabi shares the sources of the clothing and accessories in her #EveryBODYIsFlawless video.
These bows are everything. Especially the clear one filled with pom-poms.
How many of these ’90s beauty products did you use? OMG, almost all of them. I still use Bottled Emotion perfume, which I buy on eBay. And damn, I miss roll-on glitter–that shit was the best.
-Affatshionista rounds up crop tops that come in a 4x. (Note: I don’t agree with the sophisticated vs. slutty dichotomy that she mentions at the end of the post–I believe in wearing what you want, period, and not shaming some ways of dressing as “slutty.”)
-I can so relate to finding a piece of clothing you really like in a plus size blogger’s outfit post, and then realizing it doesn’t come in your size. I usually wear a size 22, so most plus lines include my size, but I often come across smaller fat or in-betweenie bloggers wearing clothes from straight size lines that stop at 16 or 18.
-I love these portraits of fat and incredibly fashionable Namibian women (click the first image to see the rest).

Fat Acceptance
Fat people and feeding tubes.
Walking while fat and female.
-So, that Louie episode….I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. Maybe I will write about it, but in the meantime, I like these two posts by Melissa, and this one by Kath.
Fat, fault, and disabilities.
-Londonites, check out this fat dance show!
-Melissa writes about being fat-shamed by the friends and family of men she has dated.
-“I find it helpful to keep in mind that weight-loss messages are prejudice for profit.”
Will being fat kill your sex life? No, but fat-shaming might.
Educating doctors about interacting with fat patients.
I may be fat, and I may teach people about nutrition, but I am not your “good fatty.”
When health is not on your side.
-So much yes to this: The thing about experience.
Monica and me: fat girls of the ’90s.

Whitney Thore is always awesome.
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