Sunday links, 10/26/14


-Californians, check out the +Market by Domino Dollhouse featuring Tess Munster. It sounds amazing and I wish I could be there!
-Vivi writes about why she’s taking a break from Gwynnie Bee.
-These photos from Bombsheller’s fitting party are awesome, and I can’t wait until their leggings are available in plus sizes.
-New Yorkers, keep an eye out for Lockwood Style, a new clothing boutique in Astoria that will be one-third plus sizes.
-Chubby Cartwheels’ Little Black Dress Collection is out!
-I love Rae’s Halloween costumes featuring Hips & Curves items, especially the witch.
12 all black plus size picks for fall.
-Sheri rounds up gorgeous dark floral pieces.
An awesome plus size show at Portland Fashion Week.
-I love this plus size fashion illustration blog!
Major fashion labels attack blogger for not conforming to gender roles.
-I’ve never been to a horse race and have no particular desire to do so, but I love the style of dresses and fascinators that women wear to them. Everything in City Chic’s Day at the Races roundup is gorgeous. I wish they had credited the sources for the shoes and accessories, though.

Fat Acceptance
-I have somewhat mixed feelings about #4, but otherwise I agree with this completely: 5 reasons why we need to stop thinking of skinny-shaming as “reverse discrimination.”
On being liked better after losing weight.
-If you’ve heard that sleep apnea is caused by fat, did you know that belief is based on research that was found to have been falsified?
Good intentions only go so far in making HAES more inclusive.
Fatphobia: 5 facts and a guide for the disbeliever.
Apple’s health app: where’s the power?
When is weight a symptom?
-Australian dance company Force Majeure has put out a call for fat dancers to audition for a groundbreaking new dance theater project.
-I’ve been watching Parks & Recreation, and I want to love it, but there are so many things that bother me about the show–including the fatphobic treatment of Jerry and the portrayal of Donna as the stereotypical sassy fat black woman. This series of posts makes the important point that Donna often talks about her sexual activities, but is never seen with a love interest. It broke my heart a bit when I read this list of 29 reasons Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt are the most perfect fictional couple around, and realized: this is exactly what fat women, and black women, and especially fat black women, don’t get in the media. We/they don’t get to see ourselves portrayed as worthy of love, and that needs to change.


Climate and Sustainability
A climate activist’s reflection on Ferguson October.
Climate change: how to make the big polluters really pay.
-This Italian vertical forest is awesome–I want to live in one.

Jobs and the Economy
“Basic” is just another word for class anxiety: “To call someone ‘basic’ is to look into the abyss of continually flattening capitalist dystopia and, instead of articulating and interrogating the fear, transform it into casual misogyny.”
From an economy of violence to an economy of care.
-What these people have to do is horrifying: the laborers who keep dick pics and beheadings out of your Facebook feed.
-I’ve long been a fan of work-sharing as a solution for both un(der)employment and overwork, and I’m glad to see it catching on.
Wisconsin attorney general candidate says fast food workers should get a “real job.”
New report shows how the “pregnancy penalty” drives economic inequality.

Steampunk costumes and musical duels = hells yes.

Shapely Prose post of the week
Yes, I like Gina Kolata.

Everything Else
-I relate so much to this: On Rent, Tick, Tick…Boom!, and caring a whole lot.
Gamergate is loud, dangerous, and a last grasp at cultural dominance by angry white men.
The trollslayers: 3 women who took on the internet’s misogynistic underbelly–and came out swinging.
-This excerpt from Daisy Hernandez’ new memoir is beautiful, and I can’t wait to read it: “She wanted to be normal. We both did”: why gender, sexuality, and desire matter.
-Another book that looks really good: Tales of Two Cities, a collection of essays about inequality in New York City.
How long can you wait to have a baby? Longer than you think–the decline in fertility through women’s 30s has been oversold.
-A trans man responds to the NYT story on trans men at women’s colleges.
Tell me a story with a happy ending: a two-part exchange between Palestinian-Israeli writer Sayed Kashua and Jewish-Israel writer Etgar Keret. There’s a bit of fat-phobia (sigh), but otherwise it’s a really good conversation.
Instead of trying to feed the world, we should be ending poverty.

Awwwww! This giant dog’s overly-enthusiastic greeting is the cutest thing.

The statement we wish we’d gotten from the white mother who mistakenly ended up with a black sperm donor.
“I am Darren Wilson”: St. Louis and the geography of fear.
White menaces to society: Keene State and the danger of young drunk white men.
9 ways privileged people can reduce the negative impact of gentrification.
Relying on state violence to curb domestic violence only ends up harming the most marginalized women.
-Maybe money can’t buy happiness, but there are a lot of important things it can buy.
Unfurling: a true story about growing up brown, queer, and Mormon.
17 unusual beaches around the world.
-These drawings of dragons with non-traditional hoards are wonderful. I especially like the hoard of pastries!

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