Friday Links, 8/2/2013

Can you believe it’s August already?!

Here’s what I’ve been reading this week. Feel free to leave your links in the comments!

Making the most of your wardrobe with a changing body.
I’m a size 18 yogi, and Lululemon can kiss my fat ass.
The new issue of Skorch is out, and it’s full of awesome.
-Judith of the Style Crone has started a monthly hat linkup! Huzzah!
-Two great fatkini posts, from Virgie Tovar and Erin of Zero Style.
-Lesley rounds up plus size denim vests, hiliariously as usual.
-Bronny writes about her experiences with creepy men fetishizing her fatshion pictures. I’ve been lucky that this hasn’t happened to me–it seems to be a lot more prevalent on Tumblr than other blogging platforms–but it really sucks that there are so many dudes male-gazing all over fat women’s liberation.
An open letter to Old Navy on the disparities between their plus and straight size collections.
Rock ‘N Roll Bride’s new headband collection for Crown & Glory is full of flowers, glitter, bright colors, and fabulousness!

Fat Acceptance
Virgie Tovar interviews Joanna Villegas, an awesome (and adorable!) fat, queer Chicana poet.
-Ragen has some great comebacks to fat-hating comments and questions.
-Rachele responds to a troll who calls her a “delusional sea cow.”
-Sara-Jane Smith writes about her experiences being a fat lesbian on a reality TV show.
-Why calling fat hatred “the last acceptable form of bigotry” is neither useful nor true.
This story makes me SO ANGRY. Fuck weight discrimination.
An open apology to all of my weight-loss clients.
Male privilege and transitioning from a fat woman to a fat man.
My big fat marathon.
-Tori writes about her experiences with the body positivity of bra-fitting blogs.

A great spoken-word piece about being a fat woman in a relationship with a thin man:

Climate and Sustainability
The children: why a generation is putting itself on the line for the climate.
What L.A. would look like if its freeways turned into subways.
-This is really promising: in Vermont boat project, a new model for carbon-free shipping.
-Also promising: desert tree plantings could lower atmospheric CO2 levels.
-The intersection of fa(t)shion and climate change: the untold story of Rana Plaza.
-Good for France for realizing the need for a post-growth economy. Let’s hope the rest of the world catches on soon.
“The Talk”: how to talk to your 8-year old about climate change.

Everything Else
How the fates of New Orleans and Detroit symbolize what’s gone wrong with America.
-Awesome: abandoned Wal-Mart is now America’s largest library.
-I love this interview with Laverne Cox of Orange Is the New Black. Key quote:

So much of it comes down to gender and this fear of femininity in our culture. Julia Serano talks about this so brilliantly, even in the history of feminist theory, femininity has been presented as something that’s artificial and masculinity is something that’s authentic, and even in a lot of feminist discourse until recently, femininity was seen as something that was artificial and fake. So there is this fear of feminine that we see in a lot of different aspects of culture that is punished. That’s a part of patriarchy. In a lot of ways we can’t talk about homophobia and transphobia, without talking about patriarchy.

I love Mary Lambert.

A poly wedding: my decision to marry my boyfriend while I’m legally married to my husband.
How white people shouldn’t talk about race, part 2.
Community-based yoga, or, what yoga can learn from community acupuncture.
Fast food workers walk out across the country to demand livable wages.
-Melissa takes down a ridiculous quote from Jennifer Aniston on choosing happiness.

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