Friday Links 12/28/12

I hope you all have been enjoying the holidays, and have fun things planned for New Year’s! Steve and I will be going to a small dinner party, which should be fun. It’s hard to believe it’s already almost 2013–I still remember when 2000 seemed futuristic.

A uterus and a moose chilling in a gift shop

-Alison has a great True Fashionista year end recap. My favorites are Denisio, Desiree, and Meagan.
-Similarly, Alissa has a roundup of 2012’s Stylish Curves of the Day.
100 coolest Harajuku looks of 2012, straight from Tokyo.
Burning Man gets dressed up.
Going rogue: on the cultural implications of “alternative” beauty.
-I love this piece about pillbox hats. I feel similarly about fascinators, and now I’m tempted to branch out. Also, I didn’t know you could pin pillbox hats on with bobby pins, which is really good to know.
-On a similarly hat-related note: In defense of the “nice guy” fedora. I really like this piece as well. I love fedoras on both men and women, and I hate how they’ve become a symbol of jackassery. I especially agree with this comment:

[A] few years ago and ongoing, black plastic glasses (which I wear because they are so super-cheap. $35 bucks at wal-mart, jabronis!) were the thing to hate because they were hipsterish.
Now it’s fedoras.

Why are we picking arbitrary clothing items and giving them inalienable human characteristics? Why are clothing items getting personified?

WHATEVER! It sort of makes me want to get a fedora with tiny plastic black-framed glasses pinned all over it.

Fat Activism
Debunking the myth that there were no fat people until recently.
Fat and jolly? Not so much.
Some jerks want to put Santa Claus on a diet “for the children.”

Yeah, pretty much.

Everything Else
-This racist ad campaign by Lime Crime makeup, and the dismissive way they responded to the criticism, is really disappointing. I definitely won’t buy from them now.
Africa for Norway: the interview.
-The New York Times has a piece about low-income students struggling to get through college. On one hand, it’s not exactly a surprise that most colleges and universities are not designed for low-income students. On the other hand, it’s good to bring that to people’s attention. The way Emory treated one of the students in the article is particularly awful, and I hope that there will be an outcry that leads to changes in their financial aid process.
-Lesley defends her nephew’s right to wear pink slippers.
Science says: kids are bullied by parents and peers.
The media take on Asperger’s has me worried for my son’s safety.
My bad health isn’t a choice.
-Check out these gorgeous flower and vegetable mandalas!

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