Friday Links 12/21/12

Happy apocalypse! Also, for those who celebrate it, merry almost-Christmas. Here is a ginormous Christmas tree I saw recently:

As for this week’s news, oy. My heart goes out to everyone affected by the tragedy.

There’s been a ton of discussion around the internet on everything from mental health to gun control to violent masculinity.  I’ve been doing a lot of reading and thinking, but I’m only going to post the few essays I can get behind 100%:
These mornings after.
You cannot make me own a gun: what gun culture looks like.
How a gun-loving West Texas girl learned to fear assault weapons.

Also, I recommend this video of  golden retriever therapy dogs helping children in Newtown. Goldens are just the best.

-I love these pictures of plus size celebrities’ best outfits of the year. If I had to pick one, I’d vote for Beth Ditto, but I also love Jill Scott’s black and pink dress.
10 unique fairy gifts on Etsy for $50 and under.
Harajuku’s top trends in 2012. I love that one of the trends is tutus/petticoats (which they call “pannier skirts”).

Fat Activism
The space we need.
Holy mixed messages, Fatman!
What is a job for a morbidly obese woman?

-Issa has a new, ridiculously adorable puppy!
Quiz: is this a bunny?

Everything Else
Why we can’t ignore the caveats to Cory Booker’s food stamp challenge.
Literacy privilege: how I learned to check mine instead of making fun of people’s grammar on the internet.
Why the ‘nice guys commit rape too’ conversation is not helpful.
My first resolution: be more vain.
Glamorous girly New Year’s party inspiration. Giant disco balls? Hells yes.

Here’s some amazing music for you. If you like this, I highly recommend check out the rest of Lindsey Stirling ‘s videos–for the scenery and costuming as well as the music itself.

This is one of my favorite videos from the Project for Awesome, not just because the organization does really cool stuff, but also because they have the most adorable and rather large lapdog.

3 thoughts on “Friday Links 12/21/12

  1. Woah, that article on “checking literacy privilege” was amazing. As someone who regularly judges people for their relative use of spelling and grammar, it was a great read.

    (if you don’t know Harry Potter ignore the rest of this)

    I’m actually reminded of Dolores Umbridge. No one wants to be Dolores Umbridge. When she’s being a horrible racist jerk to Hagrid what does she do? She mocks his speech and dialect! She feigns being unable to understand him.

    I don’t want to be Dolores Umbridge.

    • Thanks! I’m only sort of familiar with Harry Potter (saw the first four or five movies years ago, read the third book for a college class), so I don’t remember Dolores Umbridge, but she does sound like a bad person to be.

  2. Pingback: Sunday squee: dress spotting! « A Large Pink Woman

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