Friday Links, 6/7/13

Fat activism from 2004! Source, via Marilyn Wann

Chubstr interviews Rachel Kacenjar of Re/Dress.
These dresses are pure eye candy.
NYC’s textile recycling program reaches the one million pound mark.
-A fascinating post about the history and meanings of dapper style.
Alison brings back platform flip-flops, to which I say, YES.

Fat Acceptance
Fat dudes are hot. Yes, yes, and hell yes!
-Jes of the Militant Baker is organizing a body love conference that sounds awesome! Spread the word, and help them out on Kickstarter if you can.
-Boston fatties, there’s another fun event coming up: a day of bellydance, self-defense, and yoga classes.
Government org photoshops a little girl to make her fat. Blehh.
-Marianne delves into the various issues surrounding professor Geoffrey Miller’s douchey tweet.
-Sarah makes an important point about the way class colors people’s reactions to the fatphobic statements of both Dr. Miller and Abercrombie & Fitch’s CEO.
-I love coming across adorable fat couples on wedding blogs!
Ragen Chastain’s dance classes are now available to download for $5 each.

Climate and Sustainability
This DIY kids’ playhouse stays naturally cool during the summer. I may be an adult, but I want a playhouse like that. It looks so fun!
Cutting carbon dioxide isn’t enough: we have to invest in technology to remove the CO2 already in the atmopshere.
Is Australia the face of climate change to come?
-Also in Australia, in a promising developlment, scientists print flexible solar panels.
Corporate “sustainability” is not sustainable.
An interview with one of my favorite climate change journalists, David Roberts.
How two plant geeks grew a permaculture oasis in an ordinary backyard. I just started reading their book, and it’s really good. I like that they focus both on social justice and on repairing, rather than just sustaining, the natural world.

Everything Else
-It’s no secret that I’m a bit obsessed with Pantone. So I’m loving both this Pantone-themed dessert table, and this project in which a photographer matches Pantone colors to real world things.
Why it’s time to genderflip Doctor Who. I doubt it’ll happen, but I’d love to see it. (My personal vote? Gina Torres.)
I’m biracial, and that Cheerios ad is a big fucking deal. As someone whose future family may well look like the one in the Cheerios ad, I second this so much. Also, the ad is just ridiculously adorable…and now I have the burning urge to dump cereal on my dad.
These two posts have good explanations of what’s going on in Turkey this week. Here is a list of ways you can take action. And check out these 36 surreal and defiant pictures from Occupy Gezi, this awesomely gutsy act of civil disobedience by a game show host, and this first-person account of practicing yoga at the protests.

This is fascinating, and a bit mind-blowing:

Fuck purple, I want to be a footballin’ granny – YES!
Dating from the margins: “She’s kind of insecure,” or the Catch-22 of marginalization.
Elodie’s latest guest post at Captain Awkward is wonderful. And there’s a plush herpes virus involved. Go read!
Why Tumblr is perfect for the trans community.
-A powerful story: My dentist was made to believe I was dead, and it made me realize why I shouldn’t kill myself and you shouldn’t either.

Best response ever to the question, “If you like girls, why don’t you dress like one?”

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