Friday Links, 1/25/13

This makes me so happy. (source: Living ~400 lbs.)

Lots and lots of links this week. For whatever reason, the internet has been unusually full of interesting. Enjoy!

5x DIY plus size Edwardian or steampunk costumes.
-I just came across the Etsy shop Youniquely Chic, which has gorgeous–and indeed unique–steampunk and industrial jewelry.
-Check out the DAMN GIRL THAT STYLE IS FAT! zine.
What fashion’s “ethnic” prints are really called.
My history with a headscarf.
-I like this Etsy treasury of galaxy-print things.
Statement necklaces are the best.
Geeky tees for Valentine’s Day!
-Betty Le Bonbon has an amazing collection of plus size retro clothing.
-If you’re in Cleveland, Ohio, you can shop Rachel Kacenjar’s closet. She has deeply discounted clothing mostly in sizes 12-24, and it all sounds fabulous–I wish I could teleport there!
Feminist fashion frustration of the day.
-This crystallized prosthetic leg is gorgeous.
-So, I know this post isn’t actually about Kat’s tutu, but…PINK OMBRE TUTU. WANT.
Stop commenting on my chipped nails.
-The new issue of Skorch Magazine is out!
-A woman at Arisia, a sci-fi convention here in Boston, made an amazing TARDIS dress. (Small world story: one of my coworkers is friends with her, and the coworker’s husband helped her paint the dress!) Unfortunately, some people have been insulting her size, which is idiotic and disappointing. She rocks, so much.

Fat Activism
Falsely filling in the story: on the bullshit of assuming that a fictitious fat, disabled woman must have “brought it on herself.”
-If you’re in Brisbane, join other fabulous fatties for a Chunky Dunk swimming party!
-Also in Australia (Newtown) is the world premiere of a documentary about a fat femme synchronized swimming team.
-Huzzah for fat burlesque!
-Also huzzah for fat pole-dancing. That shit requires amazing upper-body and core strength. I’ve tried aerial acrobatics, which is similar, a few times–it’s really hard.
-And, even more awesome fat dancing!
-Lesley Kinzel answers the question, How can I stop believing my life will be better if I lose weight?
The HAES files: from dieter to diet survivor.
-Reflections on Lena Dunham’s “thin for Detroit” remark.
-This story of a girl who almost died due to medical fat-phobia is terrifying. Just terrifying.
Looking the part.

A store window display in New York

Art, Writing, and Decor
-I really like this photography series (not safe for work) on the connection between nature and bodies.
Is poetry dead? No.
Notes toward representing difference.
-This dress made of children’s book illustrations is amazing. Unfortunately, it turns out I missed it while it was on display here in the Boston area!
-This exhibit of hats looks amazing–I’m going to try to make it up to Salem to see it.
Colored pencil sculptures!
Tetris shelves = whoaaaah.

MLK Day/Obama’s Inauguration
What would Dr. King learn from us?
Beyond race: 8 other important lessons from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (The author of this piece is someone I know from high school!)
-This girl is amazingSadie, an eleven-year old transgender girl, writes an essay in response to Obama’s inauguration speech.

Everything Else
Can we talk about Big Pharma without alienating disabled people?
-I love Marianne Kirby’s piece in defense of princesses. So, so much yes to all of it. This is why that Sesame Street skit with Sonia Sotomayor telling a character to aspire to a real career rather than princesshood never sat right with me.
-Great advice from Elodie, guest-blogging at Captain Awkward: Adulthood is a scary horse.
So that one day I may become a father: on abortion rights.
-An open letter to liberal allies on the difference between theory and lived experience.
Dear schools, please stop discriminating based on  pregnancy. Thanks, Title IX.
Almost every marginalized group that cites evidence of violence, especially police violence and abuse, is actually citing statistics against African-American members of that group.
On not being middle class in New York City.
-I would love to go on some of these day trips that put cultural destinations in context.
There’s no such place as far away. This is…stuff I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.
-An interesting graph about the different ways social anxiety can manifest itself.
How Buffy the Vampire Slayer predicted geek misogyny.
Why you don’t owe it to anyone else to report your rape.

I love Pantone, so this video makes me really happy:

I like how John Green takes apart the concept of “more than friends.”

Some cool time-lapse photography:

Non-traditional string music? Hell yes.

This woman = wow.

Happy weekend! 🙂

6 thoughts on “Friday Links, 1/25/13

  1. As usual, your friday links are destroying my day with their sheer number. Too bad they are also completely awesome.

    An area I’m curious about though is the princess thing re: Sonia Sotomayor. Is your objection to it that it presents a standard model of femmephobia? Princess = bad. “real” career = good? I thought they neatly avoided that by having Abby still be wearing her fairy wings and magic wand when she transformed into her judge outfit. I read that as CONFIRMING that you can still present femme-fantastic in any job you want. Maybe Justice Sotomayor should’ve been more explicit in her dialogue, or even donned a pair of fairy wings herself. Or maybe we shouldn’t worry that when a little girl wants to be a princess that we’ve failed her.

    I don’t know. I just thought it was nice they kept Abby’s style.

    • Haha, destroying other people’s days with links is my speciality!

      I just rewatched the Sesame Street video, and it seems less problematic than I remembered–it’s possible I was reacting more to how other people talked about the video than the video itself. I do like that Abby kept her fairy wings and wand when she transformed into the judge outfit!

  2. Is it okay if I link to the art piece I’ve got up right now? It’s crochet art that represents the right for our bodies and our lives to take up space and it will benefit Planned Parenthood. Thanks for the link list. I find some of the best blogs this way.

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